After School Programs » Movement Enrichment Program

Movement Enrichment Program

Outstanding 2023 Graduating Senior Jessica Kincaide Benefits from NCRF's Movement  Enrichment Program
The Movement is a program located in Southern California designed to reach under-performing students and enlighten them to dream big and reach heights never imagined.  The Movement has a variety of Peer Advisors who each have a set of skills and areas of expertise, making it a holistic group.  Not only are the Peer Advisors trained to tutor, but they are also committed to take a psycho-social emotional approach when working with students.


To schedule a tutoring appointment link: click here!

Drop in tutoring link: Tuesdays/Thursdays 3:00pm – 4:00pm click here!


For more information, please contact Omar Vega at [email protected] or

Cynthia Fombona at [email protected].